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【 Printhology】 Shiau-Peng Chen''s Solo Exhibition

PrinthologyShiau-Peng Chen's Solo Exhibition  

Exhibition:12.06(Wed.)~ 2024.01.04(Thu.)/  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)  Map
Opening:12.06(Wed)16:00  /  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)
Meet the Artist:12.06(Wed)16:30  /  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)

Weekdays 12:00-18:00 / Weekends12:00-17:00 /  Closed on New Year's Day (2024.01.01)

Shiau-Peng Chen’s solo exhibition "Printology" displays a selection of the artist's printmaking works created between 2011 and 2023, including two-dimensional prints, artist's books, and three-dimensional installations produced by traditional printing and digital technologies.

The "logy" in the title "Printhology" means theory and science, while the "log" means woods and diary. "logy" implies that the artist reveals her life experience and creative thinking through printmaking, and the two echo each other to form a unique point of view. By cutting open the wood "log", you can see the growth rings of life. The artist regards "printmaking" as a methodology for recording life. The printmaking works in this exhibition are a kind of imprint records over time, including both psychological and physical traces.

This solo exhibition also features the artist's book "Printology" of the same name. Shiau-Peng Chen has collected the content of her printmaking blog over the past 10 years, and created dialogues through the printmaking images and the words.

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