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【 From the starry sky, sunrise, dew, and flowers】Tang Wei Hsu

From the starry sky, sunrise, dew, and flowers】Tang Wei Hsu's Solo Exhibition  

Exhibition:2024.2.27(Tue.)~ 3.21(Thu.)/  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)  Map     
Opening:2.27(Tue.)16:30  /  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)
Meet the Artist:2.27(Tue)17:00  /  NTHU Center for Arts and Culture_General Building 2 (1F)

Weekdays 12:00-18:00 / Weekends 12:00-17:00 /  Closed on 2/28


Tang Wei Hsu (born in Taiwan in 1980) has received architectural training and a bachelor's degree in architecture. He later graduated from Tainan National University of The Arts with a master's degree in art. Currently he lives and works in Taichung and New York. He was one of the 2009 Asian Cultural Council Awardee and became an artist-in-residence in 2011 at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in Brooklyn. He has exhibitions and installation arts in many countries including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Denmark, Australia, and the United States …etc. In 2013, Tang Wei Hsu collaborated with the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) to exhibit a public art installation " Monkey Magic" in Manhattan. More, a series of landscape sculptures “Shan Shui Bundles” was exhibited in Denmark and Australia.

Tang Wei Hsu's creative process contains the elements of ecology, astronomy, animation and architecture. At the same time, he merges the architectural vocabulary of space and materials into his creation. His works are often describing unknown spaces, which expressed at both macro and micro levels, and he tries to blend reality and fantasy worlds. Tang Wei Hsu is good at drawing smooth lines of organic creatures composed in black and white patterns, which is regarded as his personal trait and artistic style. He extends from flat paintings to sculptures and spatial installations, constructing a unique fantasy space.

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